Wills & LPAs

Wills & LPAs
It is essential that you make a Will to ensure that your assets are distributed as you wish. If you die without having made a Will (‘intestate’), it is possible that your estate will end up going to people who you do not want it to. We draft both simple and complex Wills and can incorporate trusts if required. We discuss your circumstances face to face so that you can be sure you are receiving the best advice. Tom Edwards achieved the STEP Advanced Certificate in Will Preparation with Distinction.
Powers of Attorney
It is important that you have attorneys in place so that your affairs can be dealt with on your behalf if you lose mental capacity. We can deal with the preparation and registration of both types of Lasting Power of Attorney and the registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney.
Please note that we may be able to offer local home visits for the above services to suit individual needs, so feel free to ask about this when making an enquiry.

Tom Edwards achieved the STEP Advanced Certificate in Will Preparation with Distinction. He is also an Accredited Lifetime Lawyer and a Dementia Friend.

Contact us
Tel: 01372 721122
Email: solicitors@gumersalls.co.uk
Fax Number: 01372 741580
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
Gumersalls Solicitors
Mezzanine Floor
Epsom Square
KT19 8AG
About us

We are a local, friendly firm of solicitors in the heart of Epsom, with the knowledge and expertise to meet your needs.
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Whilst music is art, the music industry is very serious, and the effects of lawsuits involving the world’s most famous band affected contract and property law.

Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No. 74839