Purchasing a property can be a thrilling, exciting time, but it can also be extremely overwhelming period, particularly when you’re faced with so many questions to ask and answer.
Gumersalls News
Gumersalls News
ONS Data Shows Rise In Divorces
Data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown a massive increase in divorces in England and Wales, the biggest increase since 1972.
UK Property Market Remains Strong
The UK property market has continued to see strong house price growth, which is stating strong over the winter months, despite it typically facing a seasonal slowdown.
What To Know About Stamp Duty Into 2021
In July, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a temporary stamp duty holiday that cuts the tax rate to 0 per cent for all properties priced £500,000 and under.
How To Speed Up Buying And Selling
Right now, many people are thinking about buying and selling their property, with the aim to complete the purchase and move as soon as possible. The reasons for the urgency are clear; with a stamp duty holiday set to end in less than six months and house prices rising...
Why Is It So Important To Make A Will?
Talking about what will happen when we die can be an uncomfortable subject, but it’s important that we discuss our legacy and what we would like to happen with our estate when we pass away with our loved ones. October is ‘Free Wills Month’, when many within the legal...
Older Women Who Divorce ‘Could Be Losing Out On State Pension’
Women who divorce their partners later in life could be missing out on considerable additional payments to their state pension, new research has shown.
Up To Month-Long Delays In Conveyancing Claims Rightmove
The rush to buy and sell whilst taxes are lower has led to an increased demand for conveyance solicitors, in Epson and across the UK.
New Reforms To Online ID Checking To Help Conveyancing
An online ID check is a system that will allow people to prove their identity using a secure digital system, such as a digital passport or a digital signature.
Save 40 Per Cent By Buying A Home At Auction
A study revealed that property bought at auction during 2020 has saved buyers up to 40 per cent on the average price of a new home.